Wednesday, July 31, 2013


CrossFit Unrivaled Kids teen/preteen 
killin' some band sprints!!

Monday's WOD

Skill Work:
Push Press

Mini Fight Gone Bad
1 min of each (with 30 sec transition time):
Push Press (22#/15#)
Wall Balls (10#/6#/4#)

Wednesday's WOD

Band Sprints- 4 timed 20m sprints

Prowler Sprints- 4 timed 20m sprints + max Slam Balls while partner pushes prowler for 2 rounds
(empty prowler about 70#. Slam balls 10#)

3 Max L-Sit holds on bar
(max holds but no more than 30 seconds)

Cash Out
For time:
20 Squats
5 burpees
20 Sit Ups

Friday, July 26, 2013

CrossFit Unrivaled Kids 6-10yr old Saturday Morning Class!

Warm Up:
Red Light, Green Light CrossFit Style

Skill: Thrusters

"CrossFit Kid Limbo"
The Kids will have a station of a set exercise to do before and after they limbo under the PVC
Each time they complete both stations the limbo stick will be lowered and their exercises per station will change
Hollow Rocks
Around the world (coordination) 
The limbo under the bar promotes and works on their flexibility, one of the components of CrossFit! 

Cash Out
Pirates and their Treasure
(what the parents know as the "Snatchin' Balls" game)

Friday's Chipper

CrossFit Unrivaled Kids 11-Up
Monday/Wed/Friday 3:30pm for summer

Skill Work:

WOD "Chipper"
20 KB Deadlifts
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Box Jumps
20 Ring Rows
20 PVC Front Squats
10 Box Jumps
20 Grasshoppers
20 KB Deadlifts

Cash Out
3 max L-Sit holds on paralettes

Wednesday's WOD

Skill Work:
Front Squats

7 min AMRAP
7 Wall Ball Sit Ups
3 Burpees

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Monday's Teen/Preteen Class

Strong kids, physically = strong kids, mentally!

Warm Up:
Short Run
Line Drills
Hollow Rock-to- Super Mans
Jumping Kipping Pull Ups
Ring Rows

Skill Work:
Leaning the Press

4 Rounds:
200m Run
10 Press
*Each Round timed separately

Plank Hold Challenge!

Saturday Kids Class!

Kids first class! 6-10yr olds

Warm Up:
Learn the Squat
Musical Wall Balls

Team WOD
Partner 1:
Ground to Shoulder Slam Ball
Run 10m
Ground to Shoulder Slam Ball
x 4
Partner 2/3: Max Push Ups/Max Squats
Rotate through until all team mates complete each station

Cash Out:
Plank War
Try to be the last man standing!

Friday's WOD Teens/Preteen Class

Shuttle Run
10 Hollow Rocks -to-
10 Kips
10 Kipping, Jumping Pull Ups

30 seconds each station for 3 rounds:
Wall Balls
Plank Walks
Lateral Jumps

Cash Out/Skill Work
Rope Climbs

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday's WOD

Excited about posting their scores up. 

Homework from Monday:
Define camaraderie and how it applies to CrossFit.

Warm Up:
Line Drills
Inch Worms
Bear Crawls
Butt Kicks
High Knees

Squat Test
Pull Ups/Kipping

Skill Test
Max distance broad jump
max rep in 1 minute of:
Box Jumps
Handrelease push ups
Sit ups
*1 min rest between each station

Cash Out
Plank War
and Stretch

Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 15th-Aug 23rd Teen/Pre-Teen Summer Program Begins!

great photo from Diablo CrossFit

Hello Parents!
I am very excited to get the Pre-Teens/Teens CrossFit Kids started up!
Our summer program will be Monday/Wed/Friday 3:30-4:15.
Please come a few minutes early to fill out a waiver for your child on the 1st day of class.
PLEASE let me know if someone else is going to be picking up your child from class, also PLEASE come inside when you pick up so that I can see that your child is actually leaving WITH YOU.
Thank you for your understanding!

Day #1
Baseline WOD
10min AMRAP:
100m Run
8 Burpees

I will be testing and retesting the kids throughout the program, just like in our regular CFU classes we love to see our improvements and progress!

Here is how class will run:
1. Welcome. Learn the definition of WOD, AMRAP and a few CFU rules
2. Warm Up: line drills, broad jumps, l-sits
3. Skill Work: the SQUAT
4. WOD
5. Stretch and Give out homework (homework?! Whaaaaat?! Yup!! HOMEWORK!)

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Awesome pic from CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Kids
Ages 11 and UP 

July 15th-23rd Monday's/Wed/Friday's at 3:30-4:15

Because it doesn't seem that any of the younger children can come to a week day morning class I have changed the age groups.
Saturday morning's will be 6-10 year olds at 9am-9:45am July 20-Aug 24th 48$. Limit 12. 
I will be creating an online registration soon :)