About the Coach

Coach Jackie
Head Trainer/Co-Owner of CrossFit Unrivaled

You all know that I am a CFin junkie that loves pull ups, box jumps, double-unders, and burpees. 
But what you might not know is that I absolutely, positively love children! I graduated from Washington State University with a B.A in Human Development, my emphasis being in Early Childhood Education. Through all of my college years I worked at the Washington State Child Development Center on campus, my student teaching was done in a preschool class and I also interned in an elementary special education classroom. After I graduated I was the head preschool teacher of a 2s class, 3/4s class and a pre-k class. I miss teaching a lot so I am excited that I get to sandwich my two passions together! 

3 year old class

pre-k class 

Student teaching