Monday, July 30, 2012

Tuesday's Class

Getting excited about growin' some muscles!

"Hot Lava"
Jumping from object to object without touching the floor aka HOT LAVA!!!

"Monkeys will play"
5 min AMRAP *if I can keep their attention that long* 
Broad Jumps *10m
Hanging Monkey *max hold
PVC Overhead Squats *5 reps

Cash Out

Friday, July 27, 2012

7-11year olds begin!

First Class! Here we go!!

Warm up
10x10m shuttle
Line Drills:
High Knees
Broad Jumps
Side Shuffles

First thing's first.....Learn the squat!

Goblet Squats
Sit Ups

Please be aware of the schedule, next weekend class will be 9am on Sunday, instead of 10am on Saturday!! Click on the schedule tab :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Friday!

Warm Up:
Frog Jumps
Bear Crawls
Red Light, Green Light

**Pull Up Practice**

2 min AMRAP stations/2 rounds:
*I need a mommy or daddy helper at each station please*
Forward Rolls
Rope Climbs

*there will be three children at each station, one child will go at a time and we will rotate through for a total of two minutes before we switch stations.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tuesday Class

The kids love thrusters!

Warm Up
"The Freeze" Song
Duck, Duck, Goose
Shoulder Rolls

**Handstand practice**

"The WOD Box"
2 rounds
10m shuttle
5 push ups
10m shuttle
5 Lay Down, Sit Up, Stand Ups
10m shuttle
5 KB Deadlifts
10m shuttle
10 sit ups

Our Friday Class

Warm Up
1 Lap
Bear Crawls
Inch Worms
Obstacle Course:
Climb over the boxes, under the paralettes, jump over the PVC Pipes

"Burpee Bonanza"
5 rounds:
5 burpees
5 box jumps (on a 45lb plate)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Summer Class!

Today was great!
It was our first Summer class for the kiddos (4-6).
Today we started off by drawing a picture about CrossFit. Then each of them told me why they wanted to workout. They will be hung up at the gym :)

Warm Up:
Bear Crawl
PVC: shoulder rolls, good mornings

3 rounds:
10 plate thrusters 2.5lb
10 jumping ring pull ups

Group Stretch
*Ended with making an "x" on their WODlogs!

See you guys Friday!!

7-11year old class begins July 28th 10am.