Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Monday's WOD
200m Row
15 Slam Balls
200m Row
10 Slam Balls
200m Row
15 Slam Balls

Cash Out:
1 min max rep sit ups

Wednesday's WOD
Partner WOD

Partner 1: 30 Jump Rope
Partner 2: Hold Plank

Partner 1: 8  DB Thrusters
Partner 2: Hold Squat

Partner 1: 15 Sit Ups
Parter 2: Bear Crawls

Once you complete a full round, switch who is partner 1 and who is partner 2 and complete a total of 4 rounds with your partner

Cash Out:
2 min max rep jump rope

Check out this article and share it with your friends :)
3 Reason's your Kids should Try CrossFit

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