Tuesday (4-6yrs olds)
*Learn PVC Cleans*
WOD Bingo
Must complete the given number of reps at each station: *coach chooses numbers out of a pile
Push Ups
Jumping Jacks
"Atlas" Stone ground to shoulder (slam balls)
Mountain Climbers
Bear Crawls
"Box" Jumps on plates
Children move from stations, once they finish their given reps they get a sticker to put on their bingo card, they must fill it up!
Friday (4-6yr olds)
Warm Up:
Shuttle Runs
Hollow Rocks
Tabata Tuck Jumps (5 rounds)
45 seconds on/30 seconds off
Ring Jumping Pull Ups
Paralette facing jumps
Walking Lunges
Cash Out
1 min AMRAP Sit Ups
Saturday (7-11yr olds)
Warm Up:
800m Run
Hollow Rocks
Hand-Stand Holds
Line Drills
10 min AMRAP:
10 Squats
10 Pass-throughs
40m Bear Crawl
Cash Out
1 min AMRAP Sit Ups