Friday, November 25, 2011

Last Unrivaled Kids class....for now!

Kids training to be AWESOME! ;) 

Warm up:
*Duck,Duck, Goose
*Obstacle Course
(climb, roll, jump, crawl)

"Burpee Fran"
PVC Thrusters

Our last class!

I completely forgot to post after our last class!
The kids did a scaled version of "Diane"
10-7-5 KB Deadlift
10 second handstand hold between
*we had one kiddo do 5HSPU each round! GO TAYLOR! 

Our Warm up: 
"Crazy Square"
Bear Crawl to each corner where we did
 5 Squats
5 Push ups
*Practiced handstands
*Practiced KB Deadlifts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kids love HSPU's!

Unfortunately I cannot turn this :( 
Regardless, this is AWESOME!! Taylor is 9 years old and demonstrating how strong kids can be!! 
Not only that, its fun!!!!! 

Our first Unrivaled Kids class was great!!

Here are a few photos of the kids in action!
And see what the kids have to say about why they want to WOD....

Why do you want to participate in Unrivaled Kids?
Taylor: "So I can get better at football"
Ryder: "Because I want to get big muscles on my chest like daddy"
Marcos: "Because I want to grow big and strong"
Patrick: "Because you get strong"
Khamya: "So you can be healthy"

Friday, November 4, 2011

Our first WORKOUT!

At 9am, Unrivaled Kids will be going on at 9am during class time.
Cost is 40$, three classes. Each Saturday of November EXCEPT for the 19th.
I have waivers for you parents to fill out in the morning.

Warm up
*Introduce each other and 
why they want to be an Unrivaled Fit Kid!
300 m run
agility hurdles
junk yard puppies warm up

3 rounds:
"Goin on a bear hunt"
5 Box Climb (up and over)
Bear Crawl- to cone
Frog Jumps- back to other cone

Cash Out
Max hold planks
aka bridge over the lava....better not fall in!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The future

As parents its so important to be a good role model to your children, they learn so quickly at a very young age! For you guys to be sharing with them how much you love to workout, and how much "fun" you have while you do it, is rubbing off on them nicely I would say ;) 

Our future CFUers! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Run, jump, walk upside down....

We love to do these things because...?
It makes us feel like a kid again!
Of course the kids will LOVE it then ;) 
GET READY.... ;) ;)