Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holiday Break CrossFit Kids 5-10year

Warm Up: Passing Drill Game
Kids must pass the ball diagonally down the line. 
After they pass the ball off they must do 5 squats. The goal is to pass the ball up and down
the line as many times as possible in the given amount of time. 
If someone drops a ball the person that threw it and the person that drops it must do 2 burpees. The ball cannot be passed off to anyone not finished with their squats and/or burpees 3,2,1 GO!

5 min AMRAP: 
5 Wall Balls
5 Hand Release Push Ups
5 Sit Ups

Cash Out GAME:
Plank Wars, children will stay in a plank position following the coaches instructions. They may have one arm up, or one foot up but they may even have one foot AND one arm up. This requires them to balance, stabilize and a lot of core strength. Last man standing, wins!

The last 6 weeks...

During the last 6 weeks the CrossFit Teens class has been hitting CFU every Wednesday night!
They learned their press, push press, jerks, cleans, front squats and deadlifts! They did AWESOME!
I can't wait to get them back in the box!

Here they are on their last WOD which was a FGB based WOD!
These girls means business!